What is SIDS/SUID?
Sleep related death remains a leading cause of death for Missouri’s infants. In 2018, 64 infants died from sleep-related suffocation.
The Missouri Child Fatality Review Program (CFRP) Annual Report – https://dss.mo.gov/re/cfrar.htm
Members of the Missouri Safe Sleep Coalition are in the unique and trusted position to share appropriate and consistent information with parents and their families about the best ways to keep babies safe. Therefore, we are pleased to share the new ABCs of Safe Sleep DVD as a tool to assist your work.
The video, recently developed in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), the Missouri Department of Social Services (DSS) and the Missouri Children’s Trust Fund (CTF), promotes the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations to reduce the risk of sleep-related infant death.
The DVD video is available at no charge and can also be accessed on the CTF video webpage at https://ctf4kids.org/resources-videos/ and on YouTube-Missouri CTF. To request additional ABCs of Safe Sleep DVDs, please order online at https://mo-ctf.azurewebsites.net/forms/orderform.aspx or contact Paula Cunningham at Paula.Cunningham@oa.mo.gov or 573.751.2266 with your request.
The definition of SIDS is the sudden, unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant, under one year of age. The death remains unexplained after a complete medical history review, autopsy and death scene investigation, all 3 of which are required by law.
While the exact cause of SIDS is unknown, researchers have been able to identify factors that are associated with infants and infant care practices that increase the risk for SIDS. As a result, risk reduction recommendations have been established. Parents and other caregivers should remember that if practiced, these risk reduction techniques will significantly reduce the risk of SIDS.
What is SUID? Sudden Unexpected Infant Death is an umbrella term used for many sleep related infant deaths for which an exact cause may not be immediately clear or may remain undetermined. SIDS falls under the umbrella of SUID. Other deaths which are under the umbrella of SUID are accidental suffocation or asphyxia. When we look at risk reduction for SIDS/SUID, the steps recommended to reduce the risk are the same.
These steps are listed at What Can I do to Reduce my Baby’s Risk of SIDS/SUID?
Take the Safe Sleep Online Training to learn more.
For additional training, resources, and questions call 314-241-7437.